First author              Second author

mailto:email1@emailaddress  email2@emailaddress



Title should be written in upper case with Times New Roman  size 14 and Bold. Name and address of author(s) should be written in one line space from title with Times New Roman size 10.

Abstract: The abstract of the paper should be written with Times New roman font, size 10, and less than 500 words. It starts with one line space from author address and has margin 1.75 inches from left and right.

Key words: Write maximum 6 word that can be the best to present theme of your paper with Times New Roman font and size 10. it should start with one line space from abstract.

Page setup:

The first page (including title) should have margin from top 1.5 inches, left, right and bottom 1 inch. The rest of pages should have 1 inch margin from top, bottom, left and right.

Text Body:

Manuscripts should be single column and single-spaced. The whole text should be written with Times New Roman size 12. Each section of the paper must have one line space from other section.


References should be indicated in the text by a number in a square bracket, e.g. [1]. Reference should be numbered in the order cited in the manuscript. All reference should be written with Times New Roman size 10 except title of journal and book in italics.

 Papers: author, title, journal(in italics), volume and issue number, year, inclusive pages

 Books: author, title(in italics), publisher, year.

Tables and Figures:

Tables and figures should be placed at end of paper and numbered in the order cited by manuscript.